to search and display the top 50s (from the previous 14 sheets) in a new sheet



I'm currently creating a data base for my basketball league, what i
have is 14 different game sheets which will automatically calculate the
total statistics for me including percentage of FG, total rebounds,
total assists...etc for each game..
from D4 to Q18 is the data i'll enter the sigle gmae stats (for all
players) i recorded from the game... and from S4-CE18 is the accumulate
stats which the players involve in (like the avg rebounds they get for
one game, the total rebounds they have so far)...
all totals are using previous sheets to get the value (by adding up the
previous sheet's total, like =Q5+'Game 13'!CD5...
My question is how can i creat seperate the top 50s page (showing who
got the most rebounds and how many in total ) using the data i got from
the previous pages which will automatically updated whenever i enter the
new game statistics in??


If you have the accumulated states for each game, why not create an
additional WB or WS that is a DB of all the players and their accumulated
stats. Then just do a descending sort on each of the stat columns. To make
life easier, you can record a macro for each of the different sorts.


thx for reply... but which formula should i use to get the colum fo
just the accumulated stats(including their names, which apears in the
colums)?? so that i don't have to copy and paste?? coz i have over 20

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