To link individual pix to a specific record



Is it possible to link a specific picture - held outside the database; full
path known and not variable - to a specific record in a form. Pictures names
etc are held in a table - just names and paths not pix themselves.

I am constructing a cataloguing system for my philatelic collection and wish
to use the unique catalogue identifier key to correspond with the picture -
the pictures are named exactly as each unique cat number.

Is is simply just as case of using a query and relationship to relate them
to each other or is there something else I need to address?

Thanking you all in anticipation as always



You are off to a good start by having the path of the picture in each
record. Let's call that field PicPath. Next you need to add a textbox to
your form and bind it to PicPath (set it's controlsource property to
PicPath). Name the textbox "PathToPicture" and set the Visible property to
False. Next add an Image Control from the Toolbox to your form to display
the picture. Name the Image Control MyPicture. Finally, put the following
code in the Current event of your form:
Me!MyPicture.Picture = Me!PicPath

Your form will now open showing the picture of the first record and as you
navigate to other records, the picture of each record will appear.

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