TO field



I have created a custom form. I have a drop down menu to be able to select
a province. Is there a way when a certain province is selected that it put
a certain address in the TO field on the form? When I put the code in and
we try to send the form, it comes saying "There must be a least one name or
distribution list in the To, CC or BCC box". If the form has something in
one of the fields (TO, CC or BCC) and then with the code, it will add the
code I put in ... but originally, I don't want anything in the name fields.
Is there a way around this? We are use XP-SP3 and Outlook 2003, sp3.
Thank you.


Hi Sue:
This works good to bring up a message. My code was:
Sub cmdTest_Click()
Set objTab1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("General")
Set objControls = objTab1.Controls("cmbProv")
IF objTab1.Controls("cmbProv")= "Saskatchewan" THEN
msgBox "Hi"
End If
End Sub
When I change msgBox "hi" to:
..TO = "moyerw"

a message comes up saying "Invalid or unqualified reference". Can I put
the address in the TO (recipient) field this way?
Thank you.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

The error message means what it says. You have a ".To" expression outside a
With ... End With block. Therefore, Outlook has no idea what object's To
property your code refers to. Use either:

With Item
.To = "moyerw"
End With


Item.To = "moyerw"

Some suggestions:

-- If a control is bound to an Outlook field/property, refer to the
field value not the control value in your code; see

-- Once you have the value, use a Select Case ... End Select block to
evaluate it and perform other actions, not a series of If ... End If

-- When setting the value of To, use the full email address or an alias
that is uniquely resolvable to an address.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators


Thank you very much Sue! It works like a charm. This helped a great deal.
You helped out in other parts of the custom form also, which was an asset.
Again, thank you very much.

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