Title in row 1



How do you get a title/column names to appear in the row 1 and have row 1
start below it. ie. row 1 has no number 1?

And how get title to center if going with title and not column names?

I tried the window freeze but 1 still appears in row 1.

Messes up the data. ie. say I have 20 rows data and shows total count of 21
when actually 20 because the column names/title are in row 1.


David McRitchie

Hi questionman,
You cannot change the numbering on the rows.

If you like you can dedicate another column to showing a number if that helps
the person reading your spreadsheet, it will probably confuse anyone trying
to do maintenance on the sheet.

Insert a column before current column A
A1: '; (leave empty)
A2 =ROW()-1 (fill down with fill handle)

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