tinc?key and vti bin visitors



My website statistics show visitors viewing pages "/tinc?key=..." and "/ vti
bin/..." Are these robot probes? Do I have to worry about security? I had an
FP forum that I had to rebuild and rename several times because of robot
spammers (they even managed to get past a validation question field) before I
finally gave up and used my host's CGI forum. FP2002


By the way, I have no idea what "tinc?key" is. I'm familiar with "vti bin"
only as a file or subdirectory I couldn't get into when trying to rebuild my
old forum.


_vti_bin is a folder accessed whenever the extensions are used for form
processing (including discussion web, contact forms, and search) or
publishing. It is a virtual folder located outside your web site - on a
Windows server this location is usually among the folders in C:\Program
Files\Common Files\

I have never heard of tinc?key before - but a Google search indicates it
is related to a commercial form handler package.

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