Timestamp Button



Hello All,

I am creating a form in excel for some other users to use to hel
collect data about how long each step in a process takes to do. Wha
Iwould like to do is have a timestamp button that would put the curren
date+time in a cell each time a milestone in the project is completed -
that way we will end up with a big list of timestamps compare and se
how long it really takes to do each part of our process.

I have tried to use a volital command like "=(now), but each time i us
it, it changes ALL the timestamps. I need something that can put
timestamp in a form without affecting other timestamps on the page.

I am willing to try anything, including VBA, but I'll warn you I reall
haven't used it ever before so instructions would have to be pretty lo

Any ideas anybody might have will be very gratefully appreciated.


Ron de Bruin


You can use a Shortcut for it

you can insert the time like this
CTRL : (colon)

the date like this
CTRL ; (semicolon)

CTRL : (colon) space bar CTRL ; (semicolon)
this will give you both in one cell

With code you can do this

ActiveCell.Value = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss")
ActiveCell.Value = Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss")

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