Timer on steroids




Does anyone know of a timer control which has similar functionality as the
scheduler in SQL server?

I'm most interested in being able to set up recurring tasks.
I want to stay away from the windows scheduler if possible.

Thanks for any feedback,

Tom Shelton


Does anyone know of a timer control which has similar functionality as the
scheduler in SQL server?

I'm most interested in being able to set up recurring tasks.
I want to stay away from the windows scheduler if possible.

Thanks for any feedback,

I'm not familar with the SQL server timer... But, there are several
timers available in .NET. From your brief description, you may want to
look at either System.Threading.Timer or System.Timers.Timer.



I guess I should have mentioned the scheduler in Outlook as it is more well
known. I need something robust that can schedule things hourly, weekly,
monthly, specific dates, start and end dates, specific days of the week and
on and on.

I was hoping someone had run across a component which has this capablility.

Tom Shelton

I guess I should have mentioned the scheduler in Outlook as it is more well
known. I need something robust that can schedule things hourly, weekly,
monthly, specific dates, start and end dates, specific days of the week and
on and on.

I was hoping someone had run across a component which has this capablility.

Oh, I see.... Hmmm - I'm not familiar with anything like that

Cor Ligthert


The first thing you have to look for than is a windowservice.

Than you need periodically to check if the time is elapsed, what you can do
by using a check every minute or whatever slice you want.

Beside the service you need the System.Timers.Timer as Tom mentioned.

I hope this helps,


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