Timer macro



I have data as follows

A1=00:00:30 (representing a counter 00 hours 00 minutes 37 seconds)

B1=00:00:45 (representing a counter 00 hours 00 minutes 42 seconds)


The cells are formatted as hh:mm:ss

i need a macro that will add a certain time interval (positive or negative)
to A1 (via inputbox) e.g +31 seconds
and each subsequent time interval increases or decreases by this amount.
If 31 seconds is inputed

A1 will read "00:01:01"
B1 will read "00:01:16" and
C1 will read "00:01:31"

is there a simple macro that can do this, or will i have to write a long
macro looking at each seperat component i.e hh then mm then ss and using
lots of if s%>60, and if m%>60 and if h%>60 etc etc.....




You can use TimeSerial function:

Sheets(1).Range("A1") = Sheets(1).Range("A1") + TimeSerial(0, 0, 31)

Function Syntax: TimeSerial(hour, minute, second)


Bob Phillips

Dim addon As String

addon = InputBox("Supply time addon in format hh:mm:ss")
Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + TimeValue(addon)
Range("B1").Value = Range("B1").Value + TimeValue(addon)
Range("C1").Value = Range("C1").Value + TimeValue(addon)

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