Timer in a Windows Service not firing?



Hi all.
I have a service I am writing. The last step of the onLoad event is to
enable a timer, however this timer never seems to fire. I have added a line
of code after the timer enable line to write the status to the event log,
and this definitely says the enabled property is true... but I have also put
an event-log-writing line as the first step in the timer firing event, and
this never gets logged.

Is there something weird I am missing to do with services? Err...

Chris Dunaway

james said:
Hi all.
I have a service I am writing. The last step of the onLoad event is to
enable a timer, however this timer never seems to fire. I have added a line
of code after the timer enable line to write the status to the event log,
and this definitely says the enabled property is true... but I have also put
an event-log-writing line as the first step in the timer firing event, and
this never gets logged.

Is there something weird I am missing to do with services? Err...

What kind of timer did you use? You should not use the
System.Windows.Forms.Timer as that will not work in a service. You
should use a System.Timers.Timer or a System.Threading.Timer instead.

Claes Bergefall

What kind of timer? And which onLoad event are you refering to?
If you're trying to put UI stuff in your service, then please rethink your



Claes Bergefall said:
What kind of timer? And which onLoad event are you refering to?
If you're trying to put UI stuff in your service, then please rethink your

A forms timer - I think Chris has hit on the answer as well. Rather than
dragging the timer into the service "designer", I should just create a
system timer in code instead. My service definitely doesn't have or need any
UI stuff, I just forgot that the timer in the toolbox isn't the same thing!
Thanks guys.

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