Timeclock Calculation



I would like to set up a table in excel that allows me to enter, for example:
A time punched in (8:00 AM), time punched out (12:00 Noon) (for lunch) a time
punched back in (1:00 PM), a time punched out (5:00 PM).
I would like a final cell to calculate total work hours as 8 hours
worked for the day.

Arvi Laanemets


A1:E1 - "WorkdayStart", "LunchStart", "LunchEnd", "WorkdayEnd"
Format columns A:D as time (like Custom "hh:mm")
Into cell E2 enter the formula
or, in case workday stretches over midnight
and copy it down

Bill Kuunders

enter in E2


A2 = 08:00
B2= 12:00
C2= 01:00 p.m
D2= 05:00 p.m.

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