time serial question



hi - could someone please tell me how to make this time stamp, store the
value in my table? Is this just a calculation? It's only working my from
OpenedTime field. I want it to store the info in ExpectedResponseTime.. How
do I make it store in the ExpectedResponseTime field?


Thanks for any advice.

Douglas J. Steele

Why? As in why do you need to store if it it's always one hour greater than

Simply create a query with a computed field in it, and use the query
wherever you would otherwise have used the table.

For what it's worth, you can get by with simply DateAdd("h", 1,
[OpenedTime]), thus saving a few function calls.


could you tell me how to solve my problem? I need an ExpectedResponseTime 1
hour greater than OpenedTime ??
thanks, Tammy

Tom Wickerath said:


Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Tammy said:
hi - could someone please tell me how to make this time stamp, store the
value in my table? Is this just a calculation? It's only working my from
OpenedTime field. I want it to store the info in ExpectedResponseTime.. How
do I make it store in the ExpectedResponseTime field?


Thanks for any advice.

John Vinson

could you tell me how to solve my problem? I need an ExpectedResponseTime 1
hour greater than OpenedTime ??

They did. Did you read their answers?

create a Query based on your table.
In a vacant Field cell in the query type

ExpectedResponseTime: DateAdd("h", 1, [OpenedTime])

Use this Query as the source for a form, report, export, etc.

Unless there's some issue that you haven't told us, there is *no* need
or justification for storing ExpectedResponseTime in the Table.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Hi Tammy,

Use the DateAdd function in the control source for the ExpectedResponseTime
textbox, ie:


The point is that you should not attempt to store the results of this
calculation in your table. Calculate it on-the-fly, as needed, in a query, or
in the control source for a textbox on a form or report.

Here are some references that you might want to bookmark:



Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP



Tom - I added the code you said too, in the text box, but how do i make it
store in my table? The field name is different from the label name. Does
that make sense?

I typed it like this ExpRespMilTimes=DateAdd("h",1,[OpenedTime]) - with
ExpRespMilTimes being the field I want it stored in but it didn't work. If I
just type in a text box control property =DateAdd("h",1,[OpenedTime]) it
doesn't store anywhere.

Tom Wickerath said:
Hi Tammy,

Use the DateAdd function in the control source for the ExpectedResponseTime
textbox, ie:


The point is that you should not attempt to store the results of this
calculation in your table. Calculate it on-the-fly, as needed, in a query, or
in the control source for a textbox on a form or report.

Here are some references that you might want to bookmark:



Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Tammy said:
could you tell me how to solve my problem? I need an ExpectedResponseTime 1
hour greater than OpenedTime ??
thanks, Tammy


Hi Tammy,
If I just type in a text box control property =DateAdd("h",1,[OpenedTime])
it doesn't store anywhere.

That's what I've been saying all along. You should not be attempting to
store the results of any calculation. Did you read my initial answer to your
second posting?


Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Tammy said:
Tom - I added the code you said too, in the text box, but how do i make it
store in my table? The field name is different from the label name. Does
that make sense?

I typed it like this ExpRespMilTimes=DateAdd("h",1,[OpenedTime]) - with
ExpRespMilTimes being the field I want it stored in but it didn't work. If I
just type in a text box control property =DateAdd("h",1,[OpenedTime]) it
doesn't store anywhere.

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