Time problem in sent items


CJ Foster

Windows XP, Outlook XP, in my sent all ( work with IMAP
Folders ) my time appears to be +10 hours than my actual
local time, my local settings on my computer are correct
Can anyone help me ? Thanks CJ

Jason K

Outlook will follow Windows lead, so if the time is incorrect in Windows,
don't bother opening outlook. Check your time zone and BIOS time.


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Hi -

You have several replies in microsoft.public.outlook - if you need to post
to multiple groups, it's best to do so all at once in a single message
(separate the NG names with commas) so that everyone can follow the thread.
Thanks ...

Crossposting = posting once to several newsgroups within a single message.
This is not a Bad Thing (presuming the list of groups posted to is small,
and all the groups are truly relevant to your question)

Multiposting = posting separate, identical posts to several newsgroups. This
is a Bad Thing. :)

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