Time/Date input masks



I use the Short Date and Medium Time in my tables to display dates and times as follows, 02/20/2004 and 11:35PM. I have seen input masks that reformat the time and date when it is incorrectly entered instead of prompting the user to re-enter the values correctly. If the user enters 022004 in the date field it will be changed to 02/20/04, 1135 or 1135a will be changed to 11:35AM. How is this done?


Thanks a lot Wayne, I followed your advice and it worked just as I intended. Would it be just as easy to add a button to this same form that will give the user an option to print a word document? I have another table, “TaskInfo†which includes a field, “CatIDâ€. 19 CatID records have 1 page word documents associated with them that may or may not need to be printed at the same time as the work order. I have figured out how to include a command button that will print the document to a report named “rpChklistâ€, but would it be possible to allow the user to have the option to print the checklist associated with the work order category that CatID identifies?

Wayne Morgan

Word can be opened using the Shell command with the document as a command
line parameter. I believe it would then be possible to use DDE to tell it to
print the document.

Wayne Morgan
Microsoft Access MVP

Notap said:
Thanks a lot Wayne, I followed your advice and it worked just as I
intended. Would it be just as easy to add a button to this same form that
will give the user an option to print a word document? I have another table,
"TaskInfo" which includes a field, "CatID". 19 CatID records have 1 page
word documents associated with them that may or may not need to be printed
at the same time as the work order. I have figured out how to include a
command button that will print the document to a report named "rpChklist",
but would it be possible to allow the user to have the option to print the
checklist associated with the work order category that CatID identifies?


Sorry, It seems that I sent this message to the wrong subject. I was referring to the subject “Event Procedure form to report†in the Access Forms discussion where you gave me advice on a similar problem. Please see my message there

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