Bruce Stokes

Is there a way to place text on the enlarged photo after clicking on the

Thanks for any help.

Bruce Stokes

Jim Buyens

If you mean text superimposed on the image, you'd need to use a picture
editor and create a modified version of each picture.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

E. T. Culling

If you want text under the image then you'll have to make a separate page
for each image and link from the thumbnail to that new page.


I have been using the "Create Web Gallery" feature of Adobe Photoshop
It creates thumbnails (of varying sizes you can select) and puts them in
a grid (styles you can select) on htm. pages that have forward/back
Clicking on a thumbnail gets you a page with a full sized photo, from
which you can go forward or back in "full size mode".
This lets me show off all or "a bunch" of photos w/o building the pages
If I have my own web pages w/text or whatever and want a photo or
thumbnail, I just use the ones already created and drag 'em in.
hope this is useful to folks.


Ceej said:
I have been using the "Create Web Gallery" feature of Adobe Photoshop
It creates thumbnails (of varying sizes you can select) and puts them in
a grid (styles you can select) on htm. pages that have forward/back
Clicking on a thumbnail gets you a page with a full sized photo, from
which you can go forward or back in "full size mode".
This lets me show off all or "a bunch" of photos w/o building the pages
If I have my own web pages w/text or whatever and want a photo or
thumbnail, I just use the ones already created and drag 'em in.
hope this is useful to folks.
Watch this space ~ gotta photoGallery coming up in near future that
I'm doing for someone else - and I thnk a little different from the
norm, will post when done ~ maybe a month or so.

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