Thread was being aborted


Josef K.

I've started getting "Thread was being aborted" errors. This errormessage
has me puzzled. I'm using the same very simple approach throughout the
application, and it works elsewhere:

-- my aspx form declares an instance of a data-layer class with form-level

Protected WithEvents MyDataLayer as DataLayer

-- and a new instance of the class is created in Page_Load:

MyDataLayer = New DataLayer
AddHandler MyDataLayer.Success, AddressOf OnSuccess

-- on the aspx form, a Save button onclick eventhandler invokes a method in
the datalayer class


-- the data layer's DoSomething() method executes a stored procedure against
SQL Server and raises either a Success or Failure event

RaiseEvent Success(args as DataLayer.SuccessArgs)

-- a subroutines on the aspx form listens for the success event:

Private Sub OnSuccess(args as DataLayer.SuccessArgs)
'// on Success, we want to go to another page;
'// none of the following alternatives works:

Response.Redirect("SomeOtherPage.aspx", False)
Response.Redirect("SomeOtherPage.aspx", True)
Server.Transfer("SomeOtherPage.aspx", False)
Server.Transfer("SomeOtherPage.aspx", True)

Catch ex as Exception
'// always thread was being aborted error
End Try
End Sub

How do I fix this? Is it a timing issue not under programmer's control?

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