This is weird



ok so i got a well newer computer and it is an ibm winXP and i have been
playing my halo game i have been starting to notice something funny every
once and a wile it will restart and will go right back to windows logon
screen and loose my place it is really weird.


ok so i got a well newer computer and it is an ibm winXP and i have been
playing my halo game i have been starting to notice something funny every
once and a wile it will restart and will go right back to windows logon
screen and loose my place it is really weird.

You are using Windows XP with it's default setting of automatically
rebooting when XP detects a "serious" error. You are using an
intensively complex game (Halo) which will push the hardware to the
limits. You will need to access the settings of XP and turn off the
Automatic Reboot when the error occurs. This will then let you
possibly the error on the screen. With this error shown, you can
write this error code down and look across the web.

To turn off the automatic reboot:

Right click My Computer icon
Select Properties
Click on Advanced
In the Startup and Recovery section, click on Settings button
Uncheck Automatically Restart option from the System Failure section.


PA Bear said:
what's a "well newer computer"?

Why are you always to thick and have to ask silly questions like that
first? Sometimes it's needed, but often not, like here which I'm sure
anyone can see means a "newer" computer than his last one. Sheesh!
If you know, say so; if not, why bother posting?



I'm sure even you, can recognize the need to compose messages that make
sense, this is a technology newsgroup and posts need to be sensible, using
terminology that allows others to easily understand the issue. thus the


Twayne said:
Why are you always to thick and have to ask silly questions like that
first? Sometimes it's needed, but often not, like here which I'm sure
anyone can see means a "newer" computer than his last one. Sheesh!
If you know, say so; if not, why bother posting?


How is that a silly question? So, I'm taking you can tell us the system
specs of a "well newer computer"? Please,enlighten us.


well its like this man with the info you gave us man its like hard to
like determine what exactly is like going on with this well newer computer
it could be like a really
piss poor video card or like the machine hasn’t been like cleaned in a long
time and like the dust
is choking the airflow and like the machine is like heating up too much.


PA Bear [MS MVP]

[Like too much, man]
well its like this man with the info you gave us man its like hard to
like determine what exactly is like going on with this well newer computer
it could be like a really
piss poor video card or like the machine hasn’t been like cleaned in a
time and like the dust
is choking the airflow and like the machine is like heating up too much.


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