"This file cannot be imported. Make sure that it is a valid file.



I am a pretty new user of movie maker- been using it for about 3-4 weeks now
on making some home video dvds. I've just recently ran into a problem that
I've exhausted all my knowledge and effort into trying to fix.

I've been editing all my video in movie maker 2.1 and saving it as .wmv
file, then I would import it into a 3rd party dvd creator program
(InterVideo/WinDVD Creator). My problem is recentlly not being able to
import the file, when I open the .wmv file in dvd creater it gives me the
message "This file cannot be imported. Make sure that it is a valid file
type and that it's contents have not been corrupted." I just started getting
this message the last few days, prior to that the importing process it worked

I've researched that this might be related to codec type. Movie maker saves
the .wmv files with audio codec - 9.1 & video codec 9.0. How can I fix this
so I can import files again? and why would this all of a sudden start doing

I've been told to try reinstalling movie maker 2.1, but I think it was on
the computer when we bought it 4 months ago. I go to the windows download
site and it sounds like it's part of service pack 2. Does that mean I should
reinstall the whole service pack 2?

I'm very confused and frustrated by all this. Can somebody help? Any input
would be appreciated. Thanks.



I have had that problem as well.......go to google and type "video converter"
you may have to pay or search for a free one through the usual means

then you can converter your file to whatever will work....

that problem is one of many they don't mention when you start making
dvds......hope that helped, dctags21

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