Things work on my PC and not ohters



I created an Access application on my laptop running WinXp sp2 and access
2002(xp) with sp3 installed. The application is working great and I showed
off a lot when I did a presentation to my clients on my laptop. However, I am
now being fooled by an error message on my clients' comuters that says :
the expression After Update you entered as event propery produced the
following error: An error occured wheile xx project was communicating with
OLE server or Activex control"
I tried to install win xp sp2 and office xp sp3 on the target machine and the
error is still there. To be short, the application runs only on my Laptop
without problems.
I have spent quite along time inspecting the differences in settings and OS
version issues, but has been useless so far. I appreciate your help
Kamal R. Sharif
Software Engineer
Database Programmer on a large census project

OfficeDev18 via

With your VBA editor, click on references, on both your machine and your
clients'. There are abviously differences. Make sure their references are in
the exact same order your are. If they are not, use the up and down arrows to
force them into the correct position(s).

Hope this helps,



Some of the compiled code may have become corrupted.
You might want to try this:
Create a new blank database.
On the Tables Tab, click New then Import.
Browse to the old database and import (select) all tables, queries, forms,

If you used special ActiveX controls you may have to make sure the new
database has the correct references. Open any VBA module in the database. If
you do not have any, open a form in design mode and from the View menu click
Then from the Tools menu select References. Make sure the references in the
old database are the same in the new database.

If you are still having problems centered around a specific ActiveX control,
try deleting the control and closing the database. Open it up again and add a
new control (use the same name as before). Do not use copy and paste to do


KamalEng via

Dear friends;
Thank you so much for your cooperation, I really appreciate your help.
Actually, I have been considering myself a rather advanced user and
programmer, so I already checked the references and even I tried to reinstall
MS Access (with its SP3 package), but did not work. That took my last few
days just reinstalling the OS, MS Access and even applying the updates, and
in different orders just to hunt for. I found the solution in a place that in
very hard to imagine. I found the only difference between my PC and another
newly installed one to be only that my PC in the regional settings' advanced
tab, a conversion table for Arabic(I live in Iraq) was checked. I did the
same for the target PC and after restarting, it worked. I am so happy becuase
I had spent a month just finishing that application. I wanted to tell all
this story to add for your knowledege and help others when entangled with the
same problem.
Thanks everyone
With your VBA editor, click on references, on both your machine and your
clients'. There are abviously differences. Make sure their references are in
the exact same order your are. If they are not, use the up and down arrows to
force them into the correct position(s).

Hope this helps,

I created an Access application on my laptop running WinXp sp2 and access
2002(xp) with sp3 installed. The application is working great and I showed
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
Database Programmer on a large census project

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