The specified path does not contain any applicable device INFs


David Schneider

I have some how corrupted my Win2K Pro notebook. If I try
to add a network protocol, client or service I get a
messgae stating: "Could not add the requested component.
The error is: The specified path does not contain any
applicable device INFs." I have tried deleting all my
NICs (PCMCIA cards) and reinstalling but nothing changes.
I have not found any usefull information from MSDN or a
Google search. Any ideas?

Ace Fekay [MVP]

David Schneider said:
I have some how corrupted my Win2K Pro notebook. If I try
to add a network protocol, client or service I get a
messgae stating: "Could not add the requested component.
The error is: The specified path does not contain any
applicable device INFs." I have tried deleting all my
NICs (PCMCIA cards) and reinstalling but nothing changes.
I have not found any usefull information from MSDN or a
Google search. Any ideas?

What is corrupted? What did you delete?

If TCP/IP, try this:
285034 - How to Remove and Reinstall TCPip for Windows 2000:;en-us;285034


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

HAM AND EGGS: A day's work for a chicken;
A lifetime commitment for a pig.

David Schneider


Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, it does not apply to
my situation. I cannot add a network client, service or
protocol. When I click on the Add button, I get the error
message. I don't know what is missing or corrupted and I
do not know how long it has been that way. I was trying
to install a new protocol when I discovered the problem.

I have deleted my NICs and reinstalled them, reinstalled
SP4 and cleaned the rgistry with Norton WinDoctor.
Nothing has changed.

Do you have any more suggestions?

Ace Fekay [MVP]

David Schneider said:

Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, it does not apply to
my situation. I cannot add a network client, service or
protocol. When I click on the Add button, I get the error
message. I don't know what is missing or corrupted and I
do not know how long it has been that way. I was trying
to install a new protocol when I discovered the problem.

I have deleted my NICs and reinstalled them, reinstalled
SP4 and cleaned the rgistry with Norton WinDoctor.
Nothing has changed.

Do you have any more suggestions?

Cleaned the registry? I would like to just mention something about these
utilities. I know they work for most users but sorry, I never really used
that specific one and wouldn't know what effect it has 'cleaning' out the
wrong thing and have know folks where their machines where seriously
affected by such utilities.

May I ask what else may have been installed on the machine (even if it was
removed)? Any other utilities exist on the machine other than Norton? Are
there any other specific apps on it that may affect W2k functionality?

I assume you are logged on as an administrator. Or maybe simple as the
winnt\INF folder missing or something (where it looks for it), based on the
error message.

Maybe a fresh 'reinstall' may do it for you if nothing else. It won't change
what you have instgalled or your personal preferences. But you would have to
resinstall the SP and all the hotfixes. Sorry, can't think of anything else
on this one.


Please direct all replies ONLY to the Microsoft public newsgroups
so all can benefit.

This posting is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties or guarantees
and confers no rights.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

HAM AND EGGS: A day's work for a chicken;
A lifetime commitment for a pig.
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

Are there any solutions?
I've met the same problem in my winXP.

Best regards!


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