The page cannot be displayed



Hope this is the right group to answer my problem. I am pulling my hair out
over this dilemma.
I have been running XP Pro for about 2 years very few problems until now. At
first I thought it was my ISP but my other computers do not suffer.
I log onto a web site spend 2/5 minutes looking though different pages at
reasonable speed when suddenly the system freezes and the page says "The
page cannot be displayed"
"cannot find the server"
I have looked through MS support data, various reasons for this if you are
using 95, 98 but nothing for xp pro.
To get it working again for a short time i have to log off, switch off the
computer & restart again.
I have reset the temp internet files folder to 4000MB still no good.
I have formatted the computer doing a full reinstall, but still got the same
I have all updates from MS, All update from Norton AV, the computer runs
well BUT......
I subscribe to a forum which requires a user name & password, I have forgot
the password so asked the webmaster via the site to forward the password via
email, although it appears to
send it does not do anything or occasionally comes back saying "The page
cannot be displayed etc"
Does any on have any ideas?

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