"The message could not be sent"

  • Thread starter ¡°James~¤pª¯¡° Vista Ultimate
  • Start date

¡°James~¤pª¯¡° Vista Ultimate

When I try to post a new post into a newsgroup or reply a post in new post I
get a message saying that "The message could not be sent". This error only
occur in some newsgroup server but not others, is there anyway to solve this


Steve Cochran

Some servers will not let you send with MIME encoding and you have to use
UUENCODE encoding. Try that for the servers that block the sending. Tools
| Options | Send | News | Plain text settings and change from MIME to
UUENCODE and then try and post.



What about when I just create an ordinary e-mail created and try to send it.
I get the same message.

I am having an awefull lot of trouble with Windows Mail.

Also, now my list of e-mails are not showing up, in any of my folders even
though they are not empty (it will show the true number of e-mails next to
the name of the folder).



I am having the exact same issues as you Monica. Sometimes I can restart my
computer & then I'll see my saved emails, but I still can't send or receive
emails. I've had this laptop for about a month & I've had nothing but
problems which all seemed to be related to Vista in some way. I'm so


i have the same problem as everyone, i do what you said, tools
/options/send/news/and then change the settings but i still can not send
anything? what the hell can i do to fix this?

Gary VanderMolen

If you want an expert to assist you, don't just post a "me too" blurb.
Spell out what your issue is, complete with verbatim error messages.

Gary VanderMolen

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