The free format?


kurt sune

VB is supposed to have free format.

I have tried, most for fun, to write a property on ONE line.

I have not succeded.

Can you?

<Bindable(False), _

Description("Sets the CSS class of the button."), _

Category("CssClasses"), _

DefaultValue("")> _

Public Property CssClassButton() As String


Return _CssClassButton

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

_CssClassButton = Value

End Set

End Property

Armin Zingler

kurt sune said:
VB is supposed to have free format.

What is "free format"?
I have tried, most for fun, to write a property on ONE line.

This is not possible.
I have not succeded.

Can you?

<Bindable(False), _

Description("Sets the CSS class of the button."), _

Category("CssClasses"), _

DefaultValue("")> _

Public Property CssClassButton() As String


Return _CssClassButton

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

_CssClassButton = Value

End Set

End Property

See also:


Larry Lard

kurt said:
VB is supposed to have free format.

No it isn't, at least VB.NET isn't. There are plenty of places where a
newline is syntactically necessary. In general, the Basic family of
languages has always been line-oriented. The C family of languages has
generally been character-oriented, and I believe C# retains this: you
can write perfectly acceptable C# programs on one line, if you want.

You would hate Python.


What about telling us the error you see ? You may have a problem in the
surrounding code. Works here...

Ken Tucker [MVP]


That should work. You will need imports system.componentmodel at the
top of the file for the attributes to work.


kurt sune

This code:
Public Overrides Property CssClass() As String : Get

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

End Set

End Property

returns this error: "Method declaration statements must be the first
statement on a logical line"



IMO, expected for this one : is the separator for *executable* statements.
I'm not really suprised it doesn't work in a declaration statement.

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