"The folder could not be created."



I've created mail folders in the past with no trouble. Today, I get the
message that "the folder could not be created."

Is this another of the things like the phantom mail in the outbox? Is there
a utility to solve this problem? Thanks for any help!



I am also having difficulty creating a new folder. This follows on an event
in which I was unable to delte an email. I had to delete the windows mail
message folder and create a new one to get rid of this email. It appears
that Windows Mail is falling apart. Does anyone have any help?


I'm having the same problem. I can't create new folders. I can't delete
mail. I can't move mail out of my Inbox into folders already created. Quite
often when I open Windows Mail I don't even see the emails in my Inbox, and I
have to go into another folder and then come back to my Inbox to see them.
This is a recent problem, so I don't think it's something I've changed on the
computer. Can anybody help?

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Max said:
I'm having the same problem. I can't create new folders. I can't delete
mail. I can't move mail out of my Inbox into folders already created.
often when I open Windows Mail I don't even see the emails in my Inbox,
and I
have to go into another folder and then come back to my Inbox to see them.
This is a recent problem, so I don't think it's something I've changed on
computer. Can anybody help?

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no
protection not provided by the regular resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled.


Shirley Robbins said:
I've created mail folders in the past with no trouble. Today, I get the
message that "the folder could not be created."

Is this another of the things like the phantom mail in the outbox? Is there
a utility to solve this problem? Thanks for any help!




Could you expand on what/how Norton is not compatible with Windows Mail? I
realize that this doesn't have much to do with this thread, but I am a tad
confused by your comment.
Thanks in advance,


Most versions of the Norton and McAfee occasionally create a problem
in Windows Mail, such as changing one or more messages enough that
they can't be viewed, deleted, or moved to another folder. If this happens
in the Outbox, your outgoing mail stops working. These problems often
take months to show up. Just disabling these programs doesn't help - you
have to uninstall them to stop them from creating new problems, and often
have to run a cleanup program as well.


Hi Shirley,I have just come across exactly the same problem.What did I do
(e-mail address removed)

John Paterson

Hi All

I know I am a little late, but it just happened to me under Windows 7. I
took some earlier advice and tried creating the new folder at the top of the
tree, and that worked. I then moved it into the subfolder I wanted, and
everything seems fine.

I hope this works for you in Vista.


Dear John,
Your procedure works, but when I drag the message into it, all message
become same content. Meaning when I drag 2 different date but same subject
email into this created folder, the message content somehow become the same.
So I try to delete one of them, but the other message inside this folder read
as : Message cannot be found" Pls advise


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