The English Language


Donald McDaniel

Saucy Lemon said:
All Americans are "Yankees" as far as we are concerned. Get used to it.

That's cool, Saucy: We take the term "Yankee" as a term of endearment, not an

By the way, I hope you take the term "Euro-Trash" the same way..

Saucy Lemon

I tend not to use that term when referring to the Europeans, although I
admit I have. While, like you say, "Yankee" is an endearment and is how I
often refer to Americans because I like Americans [even though they were so
dumb as to vote in bush jr (next time vote in someone who's actually been to
Europe/Vietnam BEFORE his presidency, please, for the sake of the rest of
us, please please)], Euro-Trash is a bit derogatory and I don't usually
refer to Europeans as such unless I've lost my head over their stupid
behaviour - behaviour they seem to indulge in more and more these days.

I'm trying to train myself to use cleaner language and avoid derogatory
terms in reference to most people.

Chad Harris

This here one has done been a longass thread. I don't know all this stuff
and nuances about culture and language, but I do know that the Americans
are currently quintissentially indifferent to an unparalleled degree as to a
major source of death to many of them. soldiers from other countries, and
many more Iraquis.

The Americans are:

1) Growing the Dover Coffin business exponentially. They are continuing to
optomise or optomize the opportunity for many American soldiers to inhabit
one--predominantly ones who haven't had the educational opportunitites of
affluent White Republicans.

2) Have American soldiers in the middle of Civil War Chaos and have not
provided medically appropriate body armor or reenforced the Humvees.
Neuosurgery wise--much is to be desired since no helmet liners are provided
for Marines, and 2/3 of the injuries in Iraq are concussive brain trauma,
and many of them could be prevented.

3) The Americans have a Congress that has been lending new meaning to the
term jerking off when you should be doing something substantive to stop the
killing. Non-binding resolutions are much like New Years resolutions. What
a ridiculous waste of time and what a ridiculous degree of oversight by this
Congress (House and Senate). What a ridiculous degree of politicization of
a chaotic presence of the Americans in Iraq killing around 130 Americans per
month and 130 Iraquis per day.

4) The Americans have much to be proud of in the recent decision of Scooter
(Sootin' to Prison) Libby and Cheney backing out of testifying after wasting
two months of Court time wrangling over the classification of information
that will not come into play in the court room.

Libby and Cheney backed out of going into the Armed Forces when they were
Libby and Cheney backed out of testifying in the proceedings which will
result in Libby moving into a concerete slab in prison yesterday,
The American press was revealed to be in bed with the White House that spins
them as if they were slaves, allowing most conversations to be "off the
record" and leaving the truth out of the media when convenient.

5) The Pentagon has blown off the technology that would block IEDs--the
killer of 70% of American forces who have been stupidly deployed to Iraq by
a moronic President, VP, and lying West Wing.

This is a picture of an industry the indifference of Americans is growing



How long will I have to wait for a British English version of Windows?
I think its unprofessional that words are spelled wrong in the operating
systems user interface. That may sound harsh to American English speakers but
its a fact that in English favourites is spelled with a "u" and personalise
is spelled with an "s" not a "z". I'm presuming Microsoft will fix this issue
as it boasts a multi lingual interface.

Yes, Microsoft is very insensitive when it comes to catering to its customers.
For example I have been unable to find an Ebonics version of Vista. I am


You have my sympathies.

My, my, push a button did I? It can be spelled either way, regardless of
whether you live in the most backwards state of the USA or not.


Naw the most backward state is Arkansas (all you need for proof is the
president that came from that backwater state)


Buckner said:
Naw the most backward state is Arkansas (all you need for proof is the
president that came from that backwater state)

You mean the one that balanced the budget; when the dollar was at an all
time high and the USA wasn't attacking countries unnecessarily? As an
American living overseas, I know that Clinton had a very good reputation
overseas. Bush is hated (and for good reason).



Nah, neither Clinton or Bush have done a thing. Presidents make speeches,
not decisions - at least since the television age. It's all advisors, or in
the case of Bush, it's the Vice President and the advisors.

Clinton, it turns out - and I was sure surpised, had good ones. Bush has a
very dangerous VP and bad advisors.

Did Clinton have a VP? I don't remember. Oh yeah - what's his name. The
guy with the book-burning wife. :)




Dale said:
Nah, neither Clinton or Bush have done a thing.

Did you know that Bush decided to attack Iraq in 2003 and did it in the
capacity of Commander in Chief to show up his dad who had the good sense
not to go on to Baghdad?

Price of oil skyrockets and makes multi-billionaires out of the likes of
Venezuela and Iran.

Osama has the perfect recruiting tool: the occupation of Iraq.

Etc., etc., etc.

I *wish* Bush wouldn't do anything.



If US presidents are an indicator of specific states being backward,
I'd submit Texas would be pretty badly represented...


I think Cheney had more to do with it than GWB. You give GWB credit for
actually being able to think.


Ron Miller

Meanon said:
Hey, Saucy... if you're need more ammo, just remind them of what
happened the last time they tried to invade Canada. ;-)

Of course, if you really want to get under their skin, just ask them
where their NBA MVP comes from and who invented the game in the first

Let the games begin! :)
I'll bite. Who invented basketball? [This MUST be a trick question.]



Are you serious? if that is your biggest complaint you need to give us all a
break. I bought a new Dell in Sweden with vista home premium and spent
countless hours trying to get the OS in to English. Dell told me to return
the computer and MS told me to buy a new English version or upgrade to
ultimate. The idea that this product is supposed to be so international, and
yet I cannot even get it in to the language it was written is just insane. MS
dropped the ball big time on this one, as I have seen many online inseveral
different countries trying to get English.

Richard Urban

Isn't that why Microsoft releases the operating system in a bazillion
languages. You just bought the wrong language version. If I was on vacation
in France and purchased a computer there I would expect it to be in the
French language. To think otherwise is absurd.

Send the computer back to Dell and buy what you "really" need.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Dave Wood [MS]

Hi Luke,

As a Brit working on Windows I know what you mean. On the other hand,
there's an argument that any spare resources the localization teams have
should be spent on supporting completely new languages so people who are
totally unable to use Windows are able to. For example, in Vista we added
suport for Bulgarian, Romanian, Thai, Ukranian, Slovak etc. Should we have
pulled one of these languages and instead supported U.K. English? {Obviously
that's an over-simplification - it's less work to convert to a different
variety of English than a completely new language - but you get the idea}.

As to the other questions, yes you do need Vista Ultimate or Enterprise to
be able to download and use MUI language packs. The LIP packages that
provide partial are available on all systems.

All the data I got from:


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