The disk media is not recognized - it may not be formatted


Rose Jordan

I've seen what causes this in the ms knowledgebase.

The question I have is:

Why would it appear on one xp professional station and not
on another? I can't read the disk on my desktop but can on
other xp desktops. Below is the info I received from the

Thanks for any info.

When you access a floppy disk, you may receive one of the
following error messages:

A:\ is not accessible.
The device is not ready.

Disk is not formatted
The disk in drive A is not formatted.
Do you want to format it now?

STOP: The disk media is not recognized, it may not be
The same disk may work correctly with MS-DOS or Windows
95, or after you re-format the disk with Windows 98,
Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003.
This problem occurs on disks that do not contain a media
descriptor byte in the BIOS parameter block (BPB) of the
boot sector. Some older preformatted floppy disks do not
contain a media descriptor byte. Older product disks may
also not have the media descriptor byte.

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