texturing "tearing" but it's not vsync and more



I had been noticing a lot of tearing occurring in my games (both opengl and
direct3d) recently, even though I had vsync enabled through the games'
options menu. What really puzzled me, though, was that most of the time (in
some games nearly all of the time) the frame rate was never even close to my
monitor's refresh rate (85 Hz) - yet the tearing was still occuring.

I did some checking on Google and found another person who was having the
same problem, and had resolved it by forcing vsync in the control panel. I
tried this and found that it worked for me too, fixing the tearing that was
happening mostly at lower frame rates. Has anybody else noticed this
behaviour with their ati card/drivers? Anybody have an explanation? I have a
9800 Pro with Cat 4.7.

On a related issue, why is it that some games look much smoother at lower
frame rates than other games? Is it just me, or does anybody else see this
as well?



I would get the same problem with all drivers from 4.5 to 4.7 i went
back to the cat 4.4 drivers and all is fine now :) just make sure to
unistall the other drivers,then install the 4.4 and see if it helps

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