TextChange event does not always fire



I am having a lot of trouble with an ascx page that has a textbox that
*should fire a textchange event when the text changes. The main aspx
page dynamically loads the ascx page and has a image button that
initiates the submit. during submit, 2 events *should fire, 1 from the
textbox and 1 from the image button. The image button event always
fire but the textbox textchange event does not. Anyone has any ideas?

During postback, I do reload the proper ascx page again so the event
will be fired correctly.

MS News \(MS ILM\)

If you want a PostBack to occur with every keystroke into that textbox?
did you set AutoPostBack="true" for the textbox.
You might want to flag in javascript the change in the text box ( in a
hidden field ) then
when you postback to the server check if there was a change
Kevin S. asked a good question. do you really want to postback eveytime the
textbox changes?

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