TextBox Readonly OnPaint wrong font! Please help!



Please help. This is a real puzzler!

Originally posted on microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms but
no answer found!

I have a read-only textBox which shows the results of a selection on
another form. When the selection changes from the saved data, I wish
to show it a different colour. As it is read-only the ForeColor
property has no effect.

So I have set the user style: this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint,
and overridden the OnPaint method (code below):

This works until I left click the control, then the font changes from
my brown or black microsoft sans-serif 8.25pt to another font (looks
like Arial Bold 10pt). I can't find a way of stoping this from
happening. The control is readonly rather than disabled as I need to
support a context menu strip.

Is something else painting my control when it is selected? How do I
fix this? - Some code demonstrating the problem is below - please try

To test; build the code and run it. To start with select the text in
the text box, all seems well. Then hit the button and see that the
text changes and is formatted in the prescribed new style, again all is
well. Then select the new text - the font mysteriously changes.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsApplication1

public class txtBx : TextBox

private string strPreviousValue = null;

public bool valueChanged()
return (this.Text != this.strPreviousValue);

/// <summary>
/// Call if control is READONLY to support painting. Not to be
used when not read only cos painting goes wierd!
/// </summary>
public void doManualPaint()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

/// <summary>
/// Manually do painting - support coloured read-only text when
value changed. e.g. via an accompanying select button.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

if (this.valueChanged())
SolidBrush drawbrush = new
e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Text, this.Font, drawbrush,
0, 0, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
//Quit done formatting for value-changed situation.

//ELSE - normal case.
SolidBrush normalDrawbrush = new
e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Text, this.Font,
normalDrawbrush, 0, 0, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

// base.OnPaint(e);


internal void populateWithString(string strText)
this.strPreviousValue = strText;
this.Text = strText;

/// <summary>
/// Form demonstrating wierd read-only textbox paint on selection
/// </summary>
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private txtBx txtBxWithFontProblem;
private Button btnChangesText;

private void InitializeComponent()
//Create readonly control
txtBxWithFontProblem = new txtBx();
txtBxWithFontProblem.Location = new Point(50, 50);
txtBxWithFontProblem.ReadOnly = true;
txtBxWithFontProblem.populateWithString("Original Value");

//Create test button.
btnChangesText = new Button();
btnChangesText.Text = "Click Me To Change Text";
btnChangesText.Location = new Point(50, 100);
btnChangesText.Size = new Size(120, 32);
btnChangesText.Click += new


/// <summary>
/// Changes text, text should change colour.
/// Then on selecting read-only text (e.g. to copy it) text
formatting should not change but it does!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void btnChangesText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

txtBxWithFontProblem.Text = "New Text";


Adrian Matei


If I am understanding correct, you have to add the following code in
your derived class:

protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e)

Hope that helps,



Thanks for the post, I just tried this (copied and pasted into txtBx
class posted code), it does not seem to work, any more ideas?



Jason Hales

I've been playing around with this and it's very annoying. It appears
that there's another painting operation going on when you select the
text. I started looking at overidding WndProc but couldn't determine
which m.Msg to suppress

Then I looked at making the TextBox not readonly (as this forecolor is
usable) but there's too many ways for a user to alter the Text.

Must the user be able to select something in the TextBox or could you
just use a Label or similar that looks like a TextBox?

NB, don't forget to call Dispose on your Brushes after use
drawbrush.Dispose() - even better use a class level brush which gets
disposed in your control's Dispose event

John J. Hughes II

I normally use a panel instead of the text box if all I want to do is
display data. This eliminates all the extra code that MS throws into


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