Textbox Format



Hi all,

I have a textbox on my userform and neeeeed it formatted. When the user
enters it I want them to enter a 10 digit number only but also have it
display a '-' in the middle of the number.

for example,

#####-##### (the textbox should always display the '-' in the middle of
the textbox. Is this possible? I have previously tried:

txtPartno.Text = Format(txtPartno.Text, "#####-#####")

but have had no joy, any help would be much appreciated.

Taa in advance!


Possibly not the most elegant method, but this will put a - immediately
after the 5th character in TextBox1

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
If Len(TextBox1.Text) = 5 Then TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & "-"
End Sub


Hi again,

Thanks for the promt reply! I have tried what you have suggested and
works quite well. I'm not sure if it can be done in VBA, but is there a
way of using an activex control to mask the textbox? I may have seen
somewhere on the web that it can be done in VB6?!

Does anyone know how to do it in VBA?

Thanks Again!

Dave Peterson

gti_jobert wanted to know if he/she can mask the textbox so that the format can
be "built-in".

Excel's textboxes don't support this.

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