text wrapping



I am importing a text document from another program into mircrosoft word.
When I open the file, some of the text at the end of the line is appearing on
the next line, which means I can not make the columns like I need them
without going through each line (about 2000 lines). I have tried changing
the size of the font and margins in Word, but this is not working. Any ideas
how to prevent this?

Jean-Guy Marcil

staciern said:
I am importing a text document from another program into mircrosoft word.
When I open the file, some of the text at the end of the line is appearing on
the next line, which means I can not make the columns like I need them
without going through each line (about 2000 lines). I have tried changing
the size of the font and margins in Word, but this is not working. Any ideas
how to prevent this?

"I can not make the columns"... You mean Table columns, right?
Why is the text split onto a new line?
Is it because there is a paragraph mark (¶), a manual line break (a little
arrow pointing down and to the left), a Tab (arrow to the right), a space (a
small dot hanging half way vertically)? To see those marks, click on "Show
All on the toolbar - the "¶" button.

If there is a paragraph mark, then you have to find some logic so that a
find/replace can get rid of them. The same goes with a manual line break.

If, on the other hand, it is just because the line wraps automatically due
to a space or a tab, then you can select the text and convert it to a table
without any problem. Even if the text is on two (or more) lines, the number
of columns will be determined by the number of tabs between each paragraph
mark, regardless of the number of lines.


I checked the document and there are paragraph marks through out the
document. I cannot figure out how to change this. Below is a sample of what
I have:
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS INTERVENTION PHONE/NP@629
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS

Each line should look like this:
JAN 2008 @ 8 @ 686684060MMNP0 @ STJ CCS INTERVENTION PHONE/NP@629


yes i am having the same problem as stacie

i can nto figure outa way to do this

If there is a paragraph mark, then you have to find some logic so that a
find/replace can get rid of them. The same goes with a manual line break.

i went into tried to copy the "paragraph symbol" ontop the clipboard, but i
wasn not able to paste it into the find and replace function


i figured it out. my solution will eliminate all paragraphs. please note i
am using office 2007

go to ctrl - f
click on "replace" tab
click on "more" tab on the bottom left corner
click on "special" menu on the bottom
select "paragraph mark" which looks like this ^p
^p will appear in your "find what:" section
then in your "replace with:" section, you can replace the paragraph mark
with anything you want
i personally chose to just put the sapce character there.
my document had 529 paragraphs and it eliminated every single of them

Suzanne S. Barnhill

That's fine if you want everything in one paragraph. If you want to preserve
the original paragraph structure, a bit of further preparation is in order,
as described in the article you evidently didn't read very attentively.

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