Text Wrap



I have text wrap on a cell with lots of text and I
use "Alt Enter" to create new lines within the cell. The
last two entries in the cell are not wrapping though the
first four entries within the cell wrap just fine. The row
height is big enough.

Is there a way to get the last two entries within the cell
to text wrap?

The alt-enter is a quick fix but is there perhaps another
solution to get the text wrap to perform as is designed to?


The maximum row size is 409. It sounds like you've
reached the maximum row size. The only thing you could
do if that's the case would be to put the last two
entries into another cell.


Thank you.

Why does Excel limit the number of characters within a
cell for text wrap to work to 409? I know our company is
using Excel more and more like a word processing program
because of all the neat features it has.

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