Text question comes up even if cell is blank



Hello all,
I have in G43 the following formula which counts all variations of the
word bank, Bank,Banking,Banked,banked well it seems to work.
it does count them.


I have this in another cell g42 which I hoped would tell me if the
cell is blank dont say anything but if the cell has any number in it
say you have banked today how much did you bank.

This is the formula I am having trouble with
any ideas. It does'nt matter if g43 has a number or not it still
shows up
=IF(ISNUMBER(G$43),"You have banked today how much did you bank?""")


Your formula is evaluating zero as a number, try this.

=IF(G43>0,"You have banked today how much did you bank?","")


Your formula is evaluating zero as a number, try this.

=IF(G43>0,"You have banked today how much did you bank?","")

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Thankyou your formula works perfectly.

Regrds Stephen

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