Text line spacing in Excel Chart


John B

I've built a pivot Chart and the spacing of the Axis labels and legend have
what appear to be a paragraph spacing before and between.
The axis labels actually lie below the text box for the axis.
How do I remove the line spacing before and between text?

Shane Devenshire

Hi John,

I'm not really sure what you are after but if a cell contains a hard return
(Alt+Enter) then the chart item referencing that cell will also display on
multiple lines. In the spreadsheet you can remove hard returns by
backspacing or deleting them out manually or you can sometimes use the
function =CLEAN(A1) where A1 contains the problems. If CLEAN doesn't work
you can sometimes use SUSTITUTE, but that means that you need to determine
what hidden character is causing the problem. To do that you can use CODE
or you can just copy and paste the character into the SUBSTITUTE function.

Shane Devenshire
Microsoft Excel MVP

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