Text Box - Can't Make It Visible


Earl Partridge

Access 2000, Windows XP
I have added a text box to my Report, set the property Not Visible.
This is a program that has been running for a long time, using other
text boxes and setting them visible as needed.

Now this new box will not become visible when I set .visible = -1
The others do.

I use a Label to identify what is in the text box, that label does become
visible, and the data in the invisible text box is appropriately applied.

I have changed the code several times to make sure it is correct.

Is there a maximum number of controls on a form?


Douglas J. Steele

There is a maximum number of controls on a form (a total of 754 controls and
sections can be added to a form or report over its lifetime), but it's
unlikely that that's your problem: you wouldn't have been able to add the
text box to the form if you'd hit the limit.

However, since the limit is over the lifetime of the form, if you've been
adding and deleting controls a lot since the form was first created, you
might consider recreating the form and seeing whether that makes a

Earl Partridge

I think I found my dumb mistake.

Douglas J. Steele said:
There is a maximum number of controls on a form (a total of 754 controls
and sections can be added to a form or report over its lifetime), but it's
unlikely that that's your problem: you wouldn't have been able to add the
text box to the form if you'd hit the limit.

However, since the limit is over the lifetime of the form, if you've been
adding and deleting controls a lot since the form was first created, you
might consider recreating the form and seeing whether that makes a


Hi Earl,
Is there a maximum number of controls on a form?

Yes. If you open Help in Access and enter Specifications on the Index tab,
you should be able to find a topic "Microsoft Access specifications", which
includes the following:

Number of controls and sections you can add 754
over the lifetime of the form or report

Are you anywhere close to this total? If not, then you may have a corrupted

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Douglas J. Steele

I believe someone has a law that dumb mistakes are easier to find once
you've posted to a public forum. <g>

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP


Just some thoughts on debugging something like this...

Are you sure the text box is not visible? Maybe the font color is set to
white or some other setting is making it look hidden.

When I have issues like that, I set the control's border to solid. I also
make the control visible in design and comment out any code that might be
hiding it. Once I know there is data showing, I debug to find out why it was
staying hidden in the first place.

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