Tests: Assertion fails in a anonymous initialization method


Armin Galliker


I wrote a test for a workflow. Unfortunately my assertions in the
eventhandler which I set up during initialization, fail in every case...
What's the problem??

public void MyTestInitialize() {

workflowRuntime.WorkflowCompleted += delegate(object
sender,WorkflowCompletedEventArgs e) {
completedArgs = e;
Assert.Fail("Error"); // cause a unhandled
AssertFaildException --> Assert.Fail failed.



Armin Galliker

Hi Pete
I don't understand your question. Assert.Fail() always fails, by
definition. Every time you hit that line of code, you'll get an exception.

Why are you surprised that that happens?

I know that. My problem isn't the fact that Assert.Fail() fails, but rather
that the exception isn't handled... Normally I don't have to handle the
AssertFailedException by myself. I think the problem is caused that the
method is called in the event handler (WorkflowCompleted).

As a matter of fact my test succeed and I think that's because my exception
(--> Assert.Fail) isn't handled as is has to.

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