Testing for existence of a worksheet in the active workbook


Ken Loomis

I need to add a new workseet to the active workbook, but I need test for its
existence before I do.

I used this:

If WorksheetExists("BuildQueries.xls", "Queries") Then
MsgBox ("sheet does exist")
MsgBox ("sheet does NOT exist")
End If

with this function:

Function WorksheetExists(WBName As String, WSName As String) As Boolean

On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = _
(Workbooks(WBName).Worksheets(WSName).Name = WSName)
End Function

It works fine, but the name of the file may not always be

What do I need to use in place of "BuildQueries.xls" in the function call to
WorksheetExists to make it reference the active workbook?

Ken Loomis

Norman Jones

Hi Ken,

Replace the hard coded workbook name:

If WorksheetExists(ActiveWorkbook.Name, "Queries") Then

Ken Loomis

Thnaks, Norman. That did the trick.

Ken Loomis

Norman Jones said:
Hi Ken,

Replace the hard coded workbook name:

If WorksheetExists(ActiveWorkbook.Name, "Queries") Then

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