Test for existence of Name


Jack Schitt

Sorry, trivial one:

In a VBA macro I wish to test for the existence of a name local to the
active sheet, preferably without triggering an error state.

Syntax needs to be

If <expression> then exit sub

Where expression is true when the specified name does not exist.

Help? Thanks in advance

Frank Kabel

try something like the following

dim rng as range
on error resume next
set rng = activesheet.Range("your_name")
if err.number <>0 then
exit sub
end if
on error goto 0

Jack Schitt

Thanks Frank

Return email address is not as DEEP as it appears
Frank Kabel said:
try something like the following

dim rng as range
on error resume next
set rng = activesheet.Range("your_name")
if err.number <>0 then
exit sub
end if
on error goto 0

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