Windows XP Terminal Services Port Forwarding?


Feb 23, 2002
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I've got a strange problem which I'm hoping one of you geniuses can help me with :)

I have a laptop which connects to the net, but only allowing access via port 8080. This isn't a problem with surfing as I can set up the IE proxy settings to use 8080 with the gateway I've been given.

Anyway... I want to connect to Win2003 Terminal Services on the PCR server (remote desktop) so I can administer it when I'm on holiday should something go wrong.

Terminal Services accepts connections on port 3389, and I can't change this (I know its possible though, but I don't want to do this due to other problems). As I can only use port 8080 I'm unsure what to do.

Would forwarding ports via Routing and Remote Access allow me to do this? 8080>3389. Or would I have to set up some local SSH stuff? I don't know how to do either of those, or if that would work.
Dec 7, 2003
Reaction score
If port 3389 is forwarded to PCR Server it should just work.

It shouldn't matter what port your laptop is using as long as it hits port 3389 on the remote network.

Or am i missing your meaning???
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Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Cheers James just replied to the mail. Thanks trodas too for that link, but I'm afraid I can't change the port (as I've got another application that can only use port 3389).

Is there any way I can route any attempts on port 8080 on the PCR server to redirect to 3389 at the server end? The laptop can only use port 8080, the rest are blocked - so it must at least connect on this port.

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