Terminal server sessions drop out



I have a client that is using terminal services (w2003 server to an SBS2003
server. When I connect via cable internet the connection works fine. If I use
a wireless connection I get lots of dropouts. The wireless Versus cable is at
the server end and the Wireless is high speed (in fact faster than cable). I
can test the wireless line and get 0%)zero) packet loss. In fact the cable
connection gets about 1-3% packet loss, yet this connection never drops
whereas the wireless drops every 15 mins or so. There are no wireless
problems at the server for http, pop3 or smtp but the moment you go in TS,
the ts connection drops. The other connections remain OK. The problem exists
even when the wireless is used only for TS and cable used for all other

The cable link was installed as a backup but now it seems to be the primary
link. My inclination is to suggest that they get a secondary cable link from
a differnet supplier to their current cable link and use this as backup and
dump Wireless. My problem here is political, as the wireless provider has
very close ties to the company I work for and if I suggest this route, I
suspect all hell will break out here.

Any Ideas on how to make the wireess work, or should I take the bull by the
horns and suggest dropping wireless. Hey, I can always find another job.


Have you contacted the wireless provider to see what 'tweaks' they know of
that might improve the situation? I would do this and document the efforts.
Once you exhaust the provider's resources you will be in a better position
to recommend a change. I've found it more than beneficial to my cause if a
provider of services can't provide a fix for an issue with their own
product. If you are still unable to convice the powers that be after you've
done everything you can, leave it alone. Sooner or later people tend to
come around when they've lived with the 'pain' of their decisions for a

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