TemplateColumn-- how to make it zero width?


Jim Bancroft

Hi everyone,

I have a couple of TemplateColumns in my DataGrid that I need to hide from
view....yet still have their contents available in the code-behind file. My
HTML code looks like this at the moment:

<input type="hidden" runat="server" id="FieldID"
value='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "myField")%>'>

Not much to look at. Still, when I render the DataGrid I can see this
column. It's small (a centimeter in width, maybe?) but enough to notice.

When I set the "Visible" attribute on the TemplateColumn to False I thought
my problems were over, but after doing so my code-behind file was no longer
able to find my "FieldID" variable during postback. I've since set the
"ItemStyle-Width" attribute to zero but the column still peeks out.

Does anyone know how I can hide this column and still have my hidden form
variables available during postback? Thanks for the assist.


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