Temp Folder



Does anyone know if you delete everything in the temp
folder if it will do any harm? I am trying to do a full
system scan on my Norton Anti virus and it keeps stopping
on the same file every time with an error report. When I
follow everything it suggests, it says to delete the temp
folder. Thanks

Sharon F

Does anyone know if you delete everything in the temp
folder if it will do any harm? I am trying to do a full
system scan on my Norton Anti virus and it keeps stopping
on the same file every time with an error report. When I
follow everything it suggests, it says to delete the temp
folder. Thanks

If you have performed any software installs or upgrades during the current
session, restart the computer. Then delete the contents of the Temp folder.
If any files are in use, Windows will warn you. Work around them and delete
the rest. You could also clear the contents of the browser cache and empty
the Recycle Bin before running your utilities.

Sharon F

Sorry to be so cloudy here, but what is the browser
cache? Thanks

No need to be sorry :) The browser cache is another store of temporary
files. Every web page that you view is downloaded to the cache and then
rendered in your browser window. The cache is a set amount of disk size.
When it hits the maximum size, old files are removed to make room for new.

If using Internet Explorer as your browser, open Internet Options to the
General page. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete
Files button. Or you could use Disk Cleanup and ask that tool to clear the
cache for you.

If you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer, check the
program's help file for directions to empty the cache. The exact steps vary
from one browser to the next but the concept is the same.

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