Temp Files



Can Files in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp be deleted
without harming any program on my pc.

John Barnett MVP

The 'temp' folder is whereapplications store files during intiial
installation. Most are deleted as soon as installation has been completed.
In most cases it is safe to delete files from the temp directory *But* to be
on the safe site delete them to the recycle bin (don't permanently delete
them by pressing 'shift + Del') Leave them in the recycle bin for a week and
see if you expereince any problems. If you don't then you can empty the
recycle bin.
Personally there is absolutely nothing in my 'temp' folder but if there were
and i were to delete it i would take the precautions mentioned above.

Kui Tang

Make sure you quit all your open applications as well as background
utilities such as firewalls before you delete the files. It's not hard to
see how you can screw up a program if you deleted the file it was writing


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