


I am interested in being able to convert a text string in a cell in Excel to it's telephony counterpart and send those tones. I would like to do this inside Excel with some sort of VB interface. I have no telephony programming experience. Does anyone know of any canned freeware or other good places for me to start?


Are you a telemarketer? Please say you're not a telemerketer and tha
the information will not be used for evil. - Piku


I am not a telemarketer. I actually work for a prosecutors office in the Commonwealth of KY. On a regular basis our office is required to check the prisoner status of prisoners across the state. This is done by beating the names of the prisoners into the phone until you cramp. I thought that excel could do this for me if the prisoners name, Last Name, First Name, was in a spread sheet and then those alphabetic characters could be converted to telephony tones. Any ideas where to start?


At a previous job we had something that let us call up and controll ou
servers via phone and I remember the conversation included talk of a
actual physical component that had to be installed that allowed th
computer to understand/produce phone sounds. While I don't have an
particular knowledge of that type of hardware, I'm sure that there ca
be no answer to how to access it via VBA/Excel without knowing abou
the software it uses. I'd start your search looking for the hardwar
and maybe cantact the manufacturer with your questions about how t
execute your plan. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck. - Piku


Give this a try. It will dial your phone via the modem.


Private Declare Function tapiRequestMakeCall Lib "TAPI32.DLL" _
(ByVal Dest As String, _
ByVal AppName As String, _
ByVal CalledParty As String, _
ByVal Comment As String) As Long

Sub PhoneCall(sNumber As String, sName As String, sComment As String)
Dim lRetVal As Long
lRetVal = tapiRequestMakeCall(Trim$(sNumber), "", Trim$(sName), sComment)
'Microsoft Phone program will appear and start dialing.
If lRetVal <> 0 Then
'Couldn't connect the call.
End If
End Sub

Sub Test1()
PhoneCall "5551212", "Individuals Name", "Any note you want to include"
End Sub

hmckee121 said:
I am interested in being able to convert a text string in a cell in Excel
to it's telephony counterpart and send those tones. I would like to do this
inside Excel with some sort of VB interface. I have no telephony programming
experience. Does anyone know of any canned freeware or other good places for
me to start?

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