


the report cards are in and india xp support overall
very satisfied is at 12%.

with more than fifty percent overall very dissatisfied.

contrast this to the 65% ovs for north american techs and
it is no wonder microsoft is rethinking its india

besides being incomprehensible in most cases.

they lack the ability to troubleshoot.

they are always looking for a magic bullet instead of
taking the troubleshooting steps necessary to diagnose
and fix simple issues.

oh woe be the customer when microsoft moves all support
to india, oh woe is the customer.

Robert Moir

the report cards are in and india xp support overall
very satisfied is at 12%.

with more than fifty percent overall very dissatisfied.

contrast this to the 65% ovs for north american techs and
it is no wonder microsoft is rethinking its india

besides being incomprehensible in most cases.

they lack the ability to troubleshoot.

they are always looking for a magic bullet instead of
taking the troubleshooting steps necessary to diagnose
and fix simple issues.

oh woe be the customer when microsoft moves all support
to india, oh woe is the customer.

If my writing was at your level I'd think very hard before criticising
people for being "incomprehensible". I'm sure the technicians you are
criticising have all heard of capitalising the first letter of a sentence
and maybe even place names too!


I suppose that you beleive then ,the india techs are lousy
then ,since you can only critizize the way a person types.
And are afraid of admiting outsourcing is wrong when it
comes to tech support. The standard response of reinstall
or reformat is a good thing then,is it?. Also being given
the wrong links to system drivers is quite horrible.
Experience counts.

Robert Moir

ted said:
I suppose that you beleive then ,the india techs are lousy
then ,since you can only critizize the way a person types.
And are afraid of admiting outsourcing is wrong when it
comes to tech support. The standard response of reinstall
or reformat is a good thing then,is it?. Also being given
the wrong links to system drivers is quite horrible.
Experience counts.

Pardon? That doesn't make a lot of sense.


Robert Moir said:
If my writing was at your level I'd think very hard before criticising
people for being "incomprehensible". I'm sure the technicians you are
criticising have all heard of capitalising the first letter of a sentence
and maybe even place names too!

Judge not, least ye be judged!


Pardon? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

Really, I get what he's saying: Tech support outsourced to Asia leads

1. Incomprehesible English pronunciation, grammar and syntax
2. And their lack facility with the language makes it often impossible
to communicate with them.
3. And this lack of the type of comprehension required in technical
communication in turn makes them rely on scripted answers.
4. The conclusion that a knowledgeable user draws is that these tech
reps really can't think through a problem to determine if the script
fits or instead the user really has a problem that requires a
different solution (because they really don't understand the problem).

Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking all these outsourced reps... just
those that I've had the pleasure (pain) to talk to.

Guess your experience is different. You're lucky.


Judge not, least ye be judged!

Very biblical of you. I bet you go to church and consider yourself
god (lower case intentional) fearing. Bully for you. Too bad Diogenes
is dead. He was looking for you.

Robert Moir

-xiray- said:
Really, I get what he's saying: Tech support outsourced to Asia leads

1. Incomprehesible English pronunciation, grammar and syntax
2. And their lack facility with the language makes it often impossible
to communicate with them.

True. But I've seen this with people in the same country who use different
regional dialects of the same language.
3. And this lack of the type of comprehension required in technical
communication in turn makes them rely on scripted answers.

Yep. Again though, I don't think this is a problem only with tech support
thats outsourced abroad.

I've seen many companies use it in lots of situations to avoid the extra
cost of hiring competent and experienced support people over the cost of
someone who can follow a checklist. The sort of companies who do this in
outsourced centres frequently also do this on "in country" centres too.
4. The conclusion that a knowledgeable user draws is that these tech
reps really can't think through a problem to determine if the script
fits or instead the user really has a problem that requires a
different solution (because they really don't understand the problem).

I get that a lot. Its pretty rare I ever call tech support and when I do
therefore my problems are rarely in the scripts.
Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking all these outsourced reps... just
those that I've had the pleasure (pain) to talk to.

Guess your experience is different. You're lucky.

No my experience isn't all that different, except that i've also had it with
British and American techs (I'm British myself btw), not just those from
outsourcing centres in India, etc.

Not that I think outsourcing is good, just that i don't see it to be worse
than the bad end of the current alternative.

Rob Moir, Microsoft MVP for servers & security
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