Tasks don't match btwn OL2007 and Dell Axim pda



I sync with AS 4.2 between Office2007 and an Axim x51v running WM5. I use the
built-in applications on the PDA for showing and changing -- when necessary
-- Office information. Sync usually works. (AS 4.5 was a bust, though...)

My Tasks don't seem to be 100% transferred. I don't see any pattern to what
does and does not make it to the PDA -- or back. Changes made on the Axim
just now (deleting a task) were not reflected in the laptop's Outlook. There
are more Tasks on the Laptop.

Interestingly I can sort by "subject" on the Axim and NOT on the laptop.
This makes it a harder to compare the lists.

I did search this forum for some other threads about this subkject but the
search is very limited, so fater reading about fifthy message that help
promise I gave up to ask directly. Thanks to anyone who can help.

Jonathan Rawle


Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook) said:
It is possible to sort by subject. Click the Tasks Folder. click the subject
field column header.

Check if you set your synch Software to do only some Categories.

Thank you so much for a quick reply. I tried again and discovered that the
default display on my machine was the field "Task Subject" which, it turns
out is NOT THE SAME as "Subject" (Why? Why?) and I added that in the field
choice interface. If you click at the header of Task Subject you get a error
message saying you cannot sort by that field. As you point out, adding the
"Subject" field allows sorting. Outlook is way over-engineered, but still
won't do what ACT did for contact management years ago when I was in sales.
(Opinion, I admit.)

Now I have to find where the decision is made for category sync or non-sync.
I would guess ActiveSync, but I will look. I don't remember making any such
decision and it would not have made sense in my environment.

Again, thanks.

Jonathan Rawle

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