Taskmanager problem,again.



OK here we go.
Laptop,XP and trying to burn audioDVD using ApolloaudioDVDcreator freezes
during burn. AltCtrlDel brings up Taskmanager, try to close Apollo. Nothing
happens. The only way to get out is Poweroff.
And its not the first time that Taskmanager just doesn't do it. I've lost
track of the times that I get freeezes and Taskmanager won't close the
errant process.
What else do I have to tell you, what I had for breakfast, the colour of
my socks? Sorry for the sarcasm but the last time I posted I got criticised
for not revealing all.


What is the memory of your system? To burn anything on a Pc requires at
least 256 RAM (512 is recommended for DVD). Also, use industry standard
software such as Roxio or Nero 6+. The new ones are there to make quick


I've got 320 memory.
But you are answering a question I didn't ask.
I want to know why Taskmanager doesn't do its job and close a frozen


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