Taskbar problems



Dear all,

i have a very annoying problem. The taskbar in my WinXP
PRO is giving me quite a hard time. Every time I restart
the computer it comues out differently. It also happens
that I get 2 identical taskbars. The left part is ok with
Start button and the right one is alo ok with active sw
icons. But between thise two I should have one single
taskbar, but it is ussually devided ina half or three
parts, which are alll sema. So when I open one SW (egg.
explorer) I will see 3 buttons. In each taskbar one. I
can not delete them, because the menu does not offer me a
delete option.

Please help me to deal with that, because I do not want
to reinstall all again.



IF I am following you here, it sounds as though you have added Toolbars. IF
this is correct, right click the Taskbar and select Toolbars and uncheck
accordingly. IF this is not the case, send me a screen shot via email.



You can either use: Ctrl/PrtScm (or Print Screen), which captures the whole
screen or Alt/PrtScm, which captures the immediate. Once using either
method, go to Start/Run and type in: mspaint. Then go to Edit/Paste and
preferably save as a .jpg.

Always wanted to know how to capture and then send a
screen shot.

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