Taskbar height size keeps resetting




I'm using Windows Classic layout, and I have set my Windows taskbar
height to be fixed at 14px (Properties->Advances->Active Title Bar-
Size: 14).

This gives me a very nice and thin taskbar. The issue is everytime
explorer.exe is loaded/reloaded, the taskbar's height increases to
about 16px. If I unlock the taskbar, and then lock it again, it gets
fixed back at 14px, but I don't want to do this everytime explorer.exe
opens up again... can anyone help me out?


No, that doesn't work. The problem is, as I said, each time
explorer.exe reloads. I think it has something to do with buttom
padding, or icon padding... something of that nature. Anyhow, the
important thing is that the taskbar IS set at 14px, even when it
increases in size, checking in Display Properties shows that it is
still 14px. My guess is that as the taskbar loads, it doesn't paint
the start button properly, or paints it at some default size. When I
unlock the taskbar, windows is reminded of the size of the task bar
and thus shifts down. Is this just an XP bug that can't be fixed?

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