Task Group Tool Tip in OL'07


Paul Engel

Here's another "change" from Outlook XP to Outlook '07. I have a view in
which I group my tasks by date. In XP, if I were to drag a task over a new
date group header, a tool tip would pop up with the full date, including the
day. So, if I dragged it over 2/9/07, the tool tip would help me out by
showing that it was Firday, February 9. I cannot find a setting in Outlook
'07 that will provide a tool tip when I drag a task to a new date group.
There is no tool tip at all.

I have searched the help for tool tip and other text, but nothing relates to
this former feature/setting.

Anyone know the trick?

Paul Engel

I have solved this. I changed the format of my date column to include the
day and it is now displaying properly when I drag an item over another group

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