Task bar vertical configuration


Andrew Gibson

If you configure your taskbar vertically on the desktop,
e.g. against the right hand side of the screen,
the "popups" that this app generates (bottom right) will
shoot all the way from the bottom of the screen,
disappearing off the top. Made my day when I saw this
one.... :>

Bill Sanderson

This bug probably has the highest entertainment value of any that I can
recall, anyway. Someone at Microsoft has, in fact, noticed the problem, and
it is on the fix list.

Menno Hershberger

I'd like to officially name this phenomenon as "Flying Windows".
Would this be a copyright infringement on Bill's screensaver?

Bill Sanderson

I don't know--since Microsoft owns this technology, I think they won't mind.
I'm partial to the "toast" analogy myself.

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